New Classes: Puppy 5 Weeks & Beginning Obedience 6 Week Class

A puppy class for puppies 10 wks to 6 mos old starts Monday, January 25 from 5:30 – 6:15 pm for 5 wks. Club members the class is $40/puppy and nonclub members $65.

A beginning obedience class, basic skills, starts Thursday, Jan 28 from 5:30-6:30 pm for 6 wks and the cost is $40/dog for club members and $75 for non-club members.

Class sizes are limited to 5-6 dogs and no more than 9 people in the building. Social distancing is maintained with decreased class size and masks are required while in the building at all times.

NAKC Training Class Reservation Form 2020


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