Puppy class starts Thursday, Jan 19, 5:30 -6:15 pm (5-week class)
Adult beginning obedience class starts Thursday, Jan 19, 6:15 – 7:15 pm (6 weeks)
Advanced Obedience (must have the basic skill set; sit, down, stay and come) – will work on long stays, more perfection on heeling, fronts, and teach finishes (right and left), stand and stay, etc. Starts Jan 26, 7:15 – 8:30 pm (6 weeks)
Rally class Novice level starts Tuesday, Jan 24 – 5:30 -6:15 pm (6 weeks)
Rally class Intermediate – Excellent level starts Tuesday, Jan 24 – 6:15-7:15 pm (6 weeks)
No rally class on Feb 7 due to the awards banquet

Agility Advanced (dogs must be able to do at least six weave poles and have been exposed to the contacts) starts Wednesday 25, 5:30-6:30 pm (6 weeks)
Agility Intermediate (must have had Foundation I and II) starts Wednesday, Jan 25, 5:30- 6:30 pm (6 weeks)
Agility Foundation I starts Monday, Jan 30, 5:30-6:30 pm (6 weeks)
Agility Foundation II starts Monday, Jan 30, 6:30-7:30 pm (6 weeks)
Beginning Novice/Novice Obedience Competition (dog must have basic obedience skills – sit, down, stay, and heel; if your dog is not good at these, then go into the advanced obedience class above) starts Wednesday, Jan 25 – 6:30 – 7:30 pm
• If any member has the experience that would like to teach any of the agility classes, beginning novice/novice obedience competition. If you have another class you would like to see taught, such as skill set type class, trick dog, CGC, etc., let me know.
• Must have completed at least 2 CD titles to teach beginning novice/novice obedience class.
• Agility class must have been completed to the Excellent level with at least 2 dogs.
• Both obedience and agility classes are to be focused on the attendees, not your dog.
• Also must be able to follow the class curriculum and be able to teach at the level being given efficiently. • I am not going to ask an individual specifically; I hope you will volunteer.
Thursdays, I can also offer an afternoon class around 2:30 pm for members who drive a distance or would rather have a day class. If interested in obedience or rally, let me know, and if have enough interest can make that happen.
Contact Sherry Gibbany for more information and/or volunteer.
Saturday Drop-In Class Conformation classes will be held on Saturday mornings at 10:30 am during the winter unless another NAKC activity is going on, such as the Obedience Show & Go in February. Keep track of the calendar for notice of cancelations. As this is a drop-in class open to club members and the public, please notify Cj Titus if you plan on attending. Let’s get ready for the show season.
NAKC Google Calendar is a public calendar. The steps to do to add this calendar to your own Google calendar:
On your computer (not mobile app), open Google Calendar.
On the left, next to “Other calendars,” click add “Add other calendars” and then enter (cut and paste) the following URL.
Click Add calendar. The calendar appears on the left, under “Other calendars.”
Tip: Changes might take up to 12 hours to show in your Google Calendar.
For those who are teaching classes and would like access to the calendar to post updates or cancelations, let me know, and I will set up the permissions. Cj Titus