Spring Classes

CLASSES: Several classes are currently going on primarily for club members. All these classes are on a drop-in type basis and please let your instructors know if you plan on attending so that they can plan accordingly. All drop-in classes are set up as come when you can and the fee is $5 per class/dog for club members. Classes will be ongoing unless trials or shows in the area that weekend.
• Tuesday 1 pm – conformation – Barb Allen
• Saturday 10 am – whenever –> rally (all levels) – Sherry Gibbany
• Sunday 1 pm – 4 pm –> obedience (all levels) – Lisa Thompson

Who would be interested in participating in a 6 wk beginner nov/novice obedience class to prepare your dogs for competition? Let me know if there is any interest.  Sherry Gibbany  Trying to get a schedule together for upcoming classes. NAKC Training Class Reservation Form 2020

Rally will continue on Saturdays at 10 am, there will be a few times where will need to cancel due to events but will let everyone know. Everyone is welcome to come to this structured training class.

AKC has extended the virtual rally (novice and intermediate) through 2021 and has added beginner novice – virtual and novice – virtual. Titles for beginner novice is – BN-V and novice -CD-V. Virtual obedience classes will not cross over so if you do virtual novice, you will still need to compete in novice class in order to move up to Open. This is a good way to get ring nerves out of the way for newbies. I am using the Monday and Saturday classes to prepare individuals for the virtual and also for upcoming trials. I will choose an upcoming Saturday in near future to do filming for a virtual rally and virtual obedience classes for anyone who wants to do it.

If the instructor must cancel their perspective class, an email will be sent out. Instructors please can contact me and I can forward the email. Remember even though you do have a certain clientele, there may be others that choose to come so please let me know, and I can email all the members.

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