Janice Johnson August Brag

Derby received an invitation to the Lab Nationals at Purina Oct. 4th and 5th because he was ranked in the Top 25 Labradors for 2019 and 2020. We were very happy to receive that invitation, and of course accepted so that we could participate in the showcase on Tuesday the 5th of October with the other Top 25 Labs.

Also, in June (just received the certificates) Derby earned his Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 7, and his Master Bronze Agility Preferred, as well as his Master FAST Bronze Preferred. He’s had a very good year, and we hope to keep this streak up and running for a while.
Thanks to Nancy Schanda for this beautiful jumping picture of Derby, and thanks to Tanya Lee for this portrait taken at the Tulsa Agility Nationals in March of this year.


On August 21, I will return from a flight to Phoenix with a beautiful Golden Retriever puppy. Her name will be Tully, and we are very happy to add her to our home and pack. ~ Janice Johnson
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